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Intent - what do we want to achieve?

In the Federation of Kymbrook and Thurleigh Primary Schools, we understand that in order for knowledge to become memorable, children need repeated encounters with a wide range of ideas, in a variety of contexts. If something seems familiar, it is easier to remember – therefore, children’s prior knowledge helps to makes new information meaningful.

Our aim is for our children to know and understand significant aspects of the history of the wider world – such as the journey of ancient civilisations; the expansion and dissolution of empires; characteristic features of past non-European societies; then be able to link key concepts such as ‘empire’, ‘civilisation’, ‘invasion’ across their learning from Early Year to Year 6. We intend for children to understand continuity and change, cause and consequence, similarity, difference and significance. For them to be able to create their own accounts - including written essays, to explain their own thoughts and develop their understanding. To understand there are different ways to explore history and begin to explain how and why there is more than one side to an argument and how ideas and opinions may have changed through time.

Implementation - how will we achieve this?

Through our knowledge-rich, creative curriculum the children in the KT Federation will start by looking at their own past experiences, and also draw on the local environment, which will help them to gain an understanding of the world in which they live. Our teaching of history will encourage the children’s natural curiosity about past events in the UK and the wider world. Children will be taught to know and understand the history of our islands from the earliest times to the present day.

In addition, we will provide a well-balanced view of history to ensure children learn about the diversity of people, groups and experiences.

We will teach history to our children, through a range of different and exciting topics that are relevant to each stage of their education and follow the requirements of the National Curriculum. Our learning environments will be immersive and inviting and our curriculum will be adapted to the needs of all of our pupils and ambitious for all.

Impact - what will be the impact on learning?

Work in topic books will show that children have engaged in a variety of approaches that invite curiosity and develop historical inquiry. Outcomes will show that children understand key knowledge and themes that have been taught.

The history subject leader will have access to current CPD/training and will support other staff with planning, delivering content and the assessment of the subject.