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Governance Structure

The Full Governing Board meets once in each half term (6 times a year).

We also have a Pay & Performance Committee which meets once a year, usually in the Autumn term.

Our Finance Committee also meets once each half term and normally before the Full Governing Board meeting so that we have a timely meeting cycle that feeds into full board discussions.
Our Strategy Committee meets at least once a term. We focus on key themes that support our responsibility for the strategic vision and direction of our schools.

Each of our committees have a term of reference which guide us to ensure we fulfil our responsibilities.

Lead Governor Roles

Our Governors also have specific ‘lead’ monitoring roles which cover certain areas in more detail. These are Safeguarding, Special Educational Needs, Communications and Stakeholder Engagement and Mental Health and Wellbeing.
We also visit the school as part of our monitoring of the School Development Plan and review the progress our schools are making with their priorities for the academic year.

Our Governors attend regular training in governance to extend and update their knowledge about education and requirements of governors in general.