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Intent - what do we want to achieve?

Reading has always had an extremely high profile across our Federation. We aim to provide a reading culture that instils a lifelong love of reading, where there is no ceiling to achievement and all children have the opportunity to reach at least age related expectations or above.

Implementation - how will we achieve this?

We aim to provide a vocabulary rich environment that permeates all subjects, with reading at the heart of everything we do.  Starting in our Early Years unit, we understand that enjoyable and effective reading experiences have an impact on future success in reading.  The use of key vocabulary and high quality texts can be seen throughout the school as well as encouraging every child to pick up a book, both for pleasure and to learn.  We aim to develop children’s resilience, confidence and perseverance to ensure success.

We use a range of resources to support the development or reading, including books, games, iPads, and computers.  Our library contains a range of fiction and non-fiction books for children to choose from.

We follow the Bug Club scheme to implement early reading. In addition, we have a variety of other schemes which children are able to read to consolidate and expand skills and knowledge.  

To develop and improve our children’s reading, we:

  • Share, listen to and explore high quality class texts.
  • Model and share reading skills.
  • Have daily guided reading sessions in class.
  • Teach daily phonics sessions to enable decoding and reading with independence.
  • Teach small groups and 1:1 reading.
  • Celebrate books by significant authors – including linking texts to our creative curriculum.
  • Ensure each class has access to our school library to borrow books.
  • Encourage visits from authors and storytellers.
  • Encourage parental engagement i.e. through workshops and effective use of reading diaries.

Impact - what will be the impact on learning?

Reading is assessed on a daily basis in the classroom. This is used to inform future planning and to address misconceptions or expand learning horizons through quality first teaching. Each half-term reading comprehension assessments take place in KS1 & KS2. The outcomes of these assessments are used to determine necessary interventions for supporting and stretching children further.

Teachers are actively encouraged to invest their time in current CPD and reading is a focus within our CPD timetable and in staff meetings. 

Our Library

We have a well stocked library that has a range of exciting reading material for all age groups. We regularly review our books to ensure we have a broad range of topics to promote, for example, diversity and gender equality. In addition, our library is open for past pupils to borrow books, so that the community is served and included.

Suggested reading books:

Year 1 suggested reading books

Year 2 suggested reading books

Year 3 suggested reading books

Year 4 suggested reading books

Year 5 suggested reading books

100 Books you should read before leaving primary school